Love has the power to transform people. Love is a many splendored things, and wordsmiths through the ages have tried to tie it down and tell us what it’s like. Many times they miss the mark or only get it partially right. Here are some of the best love quotes that do a good job of capturing the essence and the grandness of what love really means. 1. We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Love is not about perfection. Real love shouldn’t involve asking someone to change, it is all about loving someone even though they might not be perfect. Looking for perfection is futile and it makes more sense to love someone for who they really are rather than loving them and then asking them to change to meet your specific requirements. 2. Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. Sometimes we distance ourselves on people so we can see who is true and who’s not. If you really means to them, no matter how you build walls between them still they managed to stay at your side. 3. Love is giving someone the power to destroy you… but trusting them not to. When you’re in love this is what it feels like, that someone is your heart, the thing that makes you move, as well as your life and your existence, the larger part of who you are. You’re giving them the ability to hurt and destroy you and yet you still trust them not to. 4. All you need is love. Love is all you need. All a person really needs is love, and that’s all they need. It’s simple and a little repetitive, but it’s powerful all the same and it’s one of the most feel good quotes on love that’s out there. Because this quote is set to music in a song it’s easy to sing along with and have a positive energy in your heart. It’s just as true now as when it was first written, and it will likely stand the test of time as each new generation sees the truth that lies in it. 5. If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. Love is a very powerful thing, and those that can wield it hold a great advantage over those that don’t. When you’re bursting with love things are bound to go your way, that’s just how amazing it is. 6. True love stories never have endings. Here’s a way to say that true love never dies. Rather than a happy ending or a sad ending, when it’s true love there’s never an ending at all. It endures all things and lasts forever. When you think of love as an energy, and then remember that energy cannot be created or destroyed, you’re really tapping into an endless source. That’s how love can carry on through the ages, even past our physical lifetimes and into the hereafter. It’s the sort of thing that they write fairy tales about, but it’s real and can be had by anyone that chooses to open themselves up to true love. 7. We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. It’s true that the perfect lover isn’t out there, it’s about creating the perfect love with the person that you care about most. The notion that someone is out there that is perfect for you is based on a false premise. You are the creator of your world, so you don’t need to seek them out and find them like the dating sites say you do, you are creating things in your own reality, and that is true about the love of your life just as much as anything else. So get busy today creating the perfect love in your life. When love happens to you it feels like it couldn’t have gone any other way. Many times it drops out of nowhere and hits you unexpectedly. You may not be looking for love, or even wanting it, but it will find you when you least expect it. It’s the unpredictability of love that makes it so exciting, and makes it so everyone loves it when it happens to them.