Love: It’s the epic world wonder for which we’re all out searching. It’s what takes your breath away and simultaneously makes you feel more alive. True love is about looking forward, together, in the same direction. It’s about putting someone before yourself, only because the other person is doing the same. It’s about doing what is best for both of you, because ultimately, you are one. For you to understand truly the meaning of love, read our All About Love quotes below. 1. Love doesn’t count on the laughter that you shared but on the pain and tears you tried to get over with just for the sake of holding on. Love doesn’t count on the laughter that you’ve shared when you are together but of course pain, sorrows and tears that you’ve been struggled and it is one way of measuring the patience of your love in each other. 2. Best rule for a simple life… Care with no reason, love with no expectation. In order to make things simpler in your life, you have to really become least obsessed with the things that stress you out, and work on your life daily, in an effort to make the best decisions for each day. As you continue to successfully make each day better than the last, choosing to make great decisions that are not only ambitious, but ethical and morally right as well, things will really start to get simpler. 3. Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone—we find it with another. Love is a basic requirement to live a fulfilling life. If human beings are to understand their purpose in the world, they must open themselves up to falling in love with another person. Only then can they comprehend what life is really all about. Love is the ultimate fate of each person, if only they open their eyes and hearts to let it happen to them. 4. True love stories never have endings. True love isn’t only based on the things that two people go through together, but it is also based on how real and how hard two people work at loving each other. Love is eternal. Love changes every day, yet it always remains. Even when one of the lovers has departed, the love itself never goes away. 5. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. The soul is the thing that makes each human being exist as a unique individual, and the soul could not be separated from the body. Love, though, presents a completely different case. There is only one person in the world who can love and understand you perfectly. This is because that special person is already a part of you. Our highest purpose, then, is to search the world until we find the matching piece of our soul in another human being. 6. You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. Don’t worry about breaking your heart. Go ahead. Take a chance. Love someone. Even if your heart breaks, you have known love. If you hold back, you risk never knowing true love at all. 7. You don’t fall in love with a woman while you’re with her. You fall in love while you’re thinking about her. The times in which we spend thinking about our significant others are more often the times in which we learn to love them. Though we never really place too much emphasis on how much we think about someone while we are doing it, it is important that we realize that it is our thoughts that spur and determine how we will act in a relationship.