You’ve fall in love, you’ve been broken and then you will fall in love again. Will it be so easy to start once again or will it be hard to start over again?
There is nothing wrong of starting once again but of course you have to consider and weigh things up. Are you ready enough to take love responsibilities? Are you ready for love problems? Are you mature enough to handle relationship this time? If your answer is definitely yes, well I it’s time for you to try and pursue a second chance.

“Love is sweeter the second time around” is one of the famous saying for those who have found their love once again. But there will always be a fear of starting over. The fear of committing the same mistake in your past relationship and the fear of getting hurt again. Pain, hurt and everything is normal in a relationship, it’s just a matter of staying strong together, not giving up on trials and your trust with each other that you can surpass anything.
Love is a riskful thing! Well, I’m sure everyone knows that. You have to risk in order to find your happiness, satisfaction and your true love. After a painful break-up on your part then I think it’s time to grow and go with the flow of life. If you are afraid of risking then you have to think carefully before starting once again but if you are brave enough and if you have the strength to risk on love then just go on and find your happiness.
If you think and you feel that it is not yet the end then go and start again and together build your happy ending.